Shemot 5778

Friday, January 5, 2018

Antisemitism has been around for quite a long time. We can say since the days of Yaakov that such a concept has existed as Lavan tried to uproot him and his descendants. However, the first to really carry out a plan against the Jewish nation was Pharaoh. The Kli Yakar paints Pharaoh as the first nationalist who rallied up his people to take back their country. In 1:9, he says "to his nation, 'behold, the nation of Israel is numerous and stronger than us." He emphasizes "nation" and tells the Egyptians that it's impossible for two opposite nations to dwell in one place; the Jews are stronger and will outnumber them soon. His plan is to have them hurt themselves. Pharaoh knows they are strong due to their dedication to G-d's service. But if he can have them pay taxes towards Egypt's priests, that's as if the Jews were worshipping foreign deities. His plan succeeded and he was able to enslave them because of it.
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