Pinchas 5772

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The daughters of Tzelafchad approach Moshe to see if they can inherit their father's land. They mention to Moshe that their father had died and specifically say he wasn't part of Korach's rebellion. Why was it necessary to add that in? Why not just say he died of old age? The Ramban answers this is because they were worried Moshe wouldn't show compassion towards them since he hated the sin of Korach more than any other sin.

Balak 5772

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

At the very beginning of the Parsha, Balak the king of Moav goes to Midyan for advice to take on Bnei Yisroel. Rashi raises the question: Weren't Moav and Midyan longtime enemies? He answers since they both were afraid of Bnei Yisroel, they made peace. This Rashi is a living pshat, as this situation still occurs today. No matter how much hatred there is between nations, they'll join up against Israel and the Jews. But as we know the outcome of the story of Balak and Bilam, we have hope that we will come out victorious against our enemies.

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